All the Sun For You

A mom, two boys, a husband, and a whole lot of adventure!

The Most Positive Time of the Year

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It’s pre-spring – not quite spring, but definitely moving out of winter.  Living in Iowa, you usually brace yourself for an awful winter full of cold, wind, and snow.  This year has been different – it’s been warm, it’s been sunny, and it’s not been snowy.  I usually find my mind wandering to happy spring planning around early March, but given our mild (and I dare say, pleasant!) winter, I couldn’t help but start my spring planning in early February when I was out walking with my son in 65 degree temps.

This is the most hopeful time of the year for me.  I am a gal who laments the winter months because I don’t like darkness.  I crave sunshine and I need bright lights on wherever I go.  We burn through a lot of light bulbs at our house during the winter months.  It can be 0 degrees outside, but if it’s sunny, I’m a happy gal!  When the winter months show signs of fading away, I start planning – and I plan big!  I think of all the things I’m going to do during the spring, summer, and fall months.  I plan my race schedule, I plan our weekend trips, I plan a big vacation, and I plan outdoor activities for my family.  I’m a planner – and pre-spring is my busiest and most hopeful time of year!

My family used to consist of just my husband and me.  We were two peas in a pod who were extremely physically active.  We ran countless races together, did adventure races together as a co-ed team (and won one!), hiked, traveled, etc.  All of it, we did together.  Then we decided to have a baby.  For a couple who persevered at everything we tried, the family building process was hard on us.  It didn’t work.  We fought through a couple of years of infertility and after 2 IUI’s (both BFN’s), an IVF cycle (BFN), a FET cycle (very early miscarriage), and another fresh IVF cycle, we were finally pregnant.  Whew!  Two years and 3 months of hard, emotional work paid off and we were on our way – and we were blessed with an easy pregnancy and an even easier baby boy.  So now?  Now I plan activities for three!

I love this time of year, and I love it even more now that we have a baby.  My son, M, is 8 months old and is the happiest baby I’ve ever known.  Wherever he goes, he’s happy and engaging everyone around him.  He does not fuss and his attention is easily diverted if he gets a little squirmy.  He goes easily to strangers and loves to interact with everyone.  He’s EASY – and he’s FUN!  And now I’m planning our life and activities around him, and I LOVE it!  I get to plan activities for our family that involve other kids, the outdoors, and laughter!

Let the planning begin!

Author: Courtney

Hi, there, I’m Courtney. I never planned to stay home with my kids, but I got sucked into motherhood when my first baby came into our lives after years of infertility and multiple rounds of IVF. His brother followed closely behind, something we didn’t plan on after having such a rough road with achieving parenthood the first time around. My boys are IVF cycle twins, conceived on the same day but born two years and one day apart (they were both transferred on the same day in October, but with two years between them). My boys are the best of friends and my husband is a terrific husband, father, and most importantly… friend. He fully supported my desire to stay home (“I just wanted it to be your idea and not mine, I totally want you to stay home and raise our kids!”) and encourages me in everything I do. I am a lover of projects, spreadsheets, fitness, healthy cooking and eating, crafts, selling my stuff on FB (HA!), and the outdoors. If I’m active, I’m pretty darn happy!

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