All the Sun For You

A mom, two boys, a husband, and a whole lot of adventure!

Because it’s Too Wordy for a Wednesday!


I can’t be wordless about this.

We had our big reveal ultrasound tonight, and had the tech seal the picture in an envelope.  We then went to dinner with a few friends (one was having a birthday) and had one of them open the envelope for us.  When he paused, then smiled, and then said what the baby is, B shouted, “ARE YOU SERIOUS???”

Both hands in the air, huge smile on his face, genuine excitement!

We are thrilled, THRILLED, to share that we are having another boy!  Matthew is getting a little brother!  This is what we wanted.  This is what we saw ourselves with.  This is my dream (so far – because there is talk here and there about a third baby).

I have two boys!  My boys each have a brother!  I get to say, “my boys.”

OUR boys!

We are both so damned excited!

Little Brother smiling for Matthew, who was there to hear that heartbeat!

Little Brother smiling for Matthew, who was there to hear that heartbeat!


If you’re interested in more ultrasound photos (I don’t expect that you are!), you can find them on my pregnancy page.

Author: Courtney

Hi, there, I’m Courtney. I never planned to stay home with my kids, but I got sucked into motherhood when my first baby came into our lives after years of infertility and multiple rounds of IVF. His brother followed closely behind, something we didn’t plan on after having such a rough road with achieving parenthood the first time around. My boys are IVF cycle twins, conceived on the same day but born two years and one day apart (they were both transferred on the same day in October, but with two years between them). My boys are the best of friends and my husband is a terrific husband, father, and most importantly… friend. He fully supported my desire to stay home (“I just wanted it to be your idea and not mine, I totally want you to stay home and raise our kids!”) and encourages me in everything I do. I am a lover of projects, spreadsheets, fitness, healthy cooking and eating, crafts, selling my stuff on FB (HA!), and the outdoors. If I’m active, I’m pretty darn happy!

50 thoughts on “Because it’s Too Wordy for a Wednesday!

  1. Congratulations! So exciting!

  2. “My boys”… does have a good ring to it, doesn’t it? 😉 congrats again, and love that u/s pic! Looks like he’s smiling!

    • Just like, “my girls!” I think there’s just a thing with me about wanting all the same gender for kids. I’m one of three girls and I always thought that was special! I loved when our parents referred to us as, “the girls,” or “our girls.”

  3. Again, I am so excited for you!!! 🙂 Your boys are perfect. I love this smily ultrasound photo. Matthew is going to be one amazing big brother and they are going to have so much fun growing up together, creating, adventuring, playing, and whatever else boys do. Perfect. Congratulations to you! 🙂

    • Thank you!

      So I have to tell you, we were chatting last night and B asked how my friend in the Dominican Republic is doing. He asked, “is she still living the dream?” (We think you’re living the dream BIG TIME!) When I said, “yeah, Fiona…” he stopped me and said, “Her name is Fiona? Anyone named Fiona HAS to be a happy person, right? That’s a happy person’s name.” And he’s right – it is! And then he suggested that we think about the name Fiona if we found out we were having a girl.

      All day today, I thought it would be just fine to have a girl so that we could name her Fiona 😉

      • Awww that is so nice to hear!!! 🙂 I suppose Fiona won’t work now that you know it is a little boy!! I guess I typically am a happy person but I definitely have bad days too 😉 Living here is pretty wonderful and we do feel so lucky to have found our little niche here.. but again, there are ups and downs like anywhere.. including electricity only 50% of the time, water being cut off from 10am to 5pm all summer, CRAZY drivers.. just to say a few! 😉 That all being said, it is a wonderful country of amazing kind-hearted people… and best of all, it makes a damn good vacation, so feel free to swing on down for a visit anytime!!! We have a little guest apartment sitting empty most of the year!

  4. Two boys will be so much fun, congrats!

  5. I’m a little emotional today…more so than usual…and this post totally made me cry…”MY BOYS” is the sweetest thing….you commented on SRB’s blog saying how cute it is to say that…and now you get to be just as cute…Congratulations! I’m so SO happy you are getting the family you envisioned. You are truly lucky….Hugs to you, and B and big bro Matthew!

  6. Courtney and SRB, parallel lives! 😀 Congrats on your awesome little boy! I love how in the photo it almost looks like a pair of hands are cradling him. At least, it does to me 😀 BOYS!!!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so excited for you guys 🙂

  8. Horray!!!! Hey little man!!

  9. “MY BOYS!” Our boys! I’ve been dying for you to post so I could say THE BOYS! We almost have enough for a soccer team now! So looking forward to a big old sausage party on my back deck! 🙂

  10. Congratulations! That is awesome! I can’t get over that smiling ultrasound pic, so cute. I’m hoping I can see this little one’s face soon, she loves hiding from us in there. What a stunner he is! 🙂

  11. SO SO excited for you that your family is coming together just how you pictured it. Nothing could be more perfect than that, and like I said before, your SONS will grow up to be best buds! Congrats friend!!

  12. I am so thrilled for you! We’ve decided to hold out and keep it a secret until the bitter end again and now I find myself wondering if I can hold off and wait!! Congratulations!! Another boy … baby boys rock!!

  13. Congrats!!!!!!! I have a friend is probably only going to have two kids and she has a son and just found out she is having another boy! She is sooo excited, but other people keep giving her the sad face when she says its a boy. People are weird sometimes to assume that you must have one of each! She wanted a little brother for her son also.

    So congrats to you and congrats to being outnumbered and loving it!!!!

    • I know, it’s so weird, isn’t it? Even my mom, who KNEW how much we wanted another boy, asked if we’d have a third and I said we are thinking of it, and she said, “if this one was a girl, I think you’d probably stop with this one.” WHAT? NO! I was very clear that trying for a third has to do with having embryos left, not the gender that we have. IN FACT, we’re half tempted to stop at two because we have exactly what we pictured ourselves with. Having a girl is not important to me. How strange of my mom – the mother of THREE GIRLS, who says all she wanted was girls – to assume we want one of each.

      Thank you! I just can’t get over it!

  14. YAY! Secretly I want a boy again too…I think Matthew will be the BEST big brother! So exciting!

    • It was not a secret IRL, I just didn’t want to post it on my blog in case we got a girl, and she read this later on 😉 Before Matthew, we just wanted girls. And we told everyone that. Then we got HIM, and all we want are boys now. We’ve been pretty open about that too. Funny how things change!

      Well, then I hope you get another boy soon! But girls are great too 🙂

  15. PENIS!! Sorry, but with it being a WORDY Wednesday, that was the word that came to mind!! 😉

    I’m so thrilled for you, girl. I love that your boys will have each other. And I love that you’re going to have boys (plus you told me once that you think you’re destined to be a boy mom!) to totally keep you on your toes. Can you even imagine?!?! It’s going to be so wonderful. PLUS you have all those awesome clothes that you get to reuse. It’s perfect. Truly.

    I think you promised us a name, too, once you found out the sex! 😉

    Love you, girl, and all three of your boys!!

    • Thanks!

      Well, when we agree on a name, I will share it. This is going to be hard, this time around. Discussions started last night and were quickly stalled.

      I asked B last night, “How often do you think we’ll have to holler, ‘calm down, you two?!'” It’s going to be wild around here! I can’t believe our luck with the clothes. B said that maybe some with tags still on will actually be worn this time. True!

      We all love you too!

  16. Oh how exciting! Congratulations!!

  17. I seriously squealed in bed (get yer mind out of the gutter *Grin*) when I read this on my phone last night. YOUR BOYS!!!!!

  18. Cool!!! So excited for you… he looks adorable in the 3D ultrasound, and that’s saying something because most babies look super creepy in those. 🙂

  19. Congrats on Baby Boy #2!!! Excited that you are having the brother for M that you were hoping for. xoxox

  20. Congratulations! I’ve been following you for a while, but I’m not sure I’ve ever commented before. Having children of the same gender has always seemed so special to me. In fact whenever I think about #2, I can only imagine having another boy!

    • Thank you!

      I think it’s funny how we just see/imagine ourselves with something specific. And we all know that can change in an instant (we both wanted a girl so badly when we were pregnant with Matthew, and it changed in an instant!) – but I do believe that most people SEE themselves with one gender or another, etc.

  21. CONGRATULATIONS on baby BOY!!! so exciting!

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